
"If you weren't real, I'd make you up..."

For a while now we've been working on a craaaaazy awesome launch party. We're still in the planning stages, but I'm very excited!

So far we have Saturday, February 13th from 9pm-12am at the beautiful Klutch Nightclub in Miami!

The event will be a night full of "Magic City" themed art, including painters, photographers, fashion designers, florists, dancers, musicians, caterers, make-up artists and OPEN BAR! :) There will be a cocktail hour set for enjoying all the visual arts, food and drinks, followed by a little dance time, and then an ultra fab performance art showcase. Entry is set at $20.

We have many artists confirmed already, but I plan on dedicating a post to each of them from now until Feb. 13th so that they all get their own (much-deserved!) time to shine.

Stay tuned! Hope to see you there!


  1. i can't wait to perform again with you!! woooo! and performers, no open bar til we're off the stage please!!! :)

  2. haha yea, performers are only allowed pixie sticks until after the show.

  3. What!?!?! Kristi/Taterz back on stage again???? Tag team back again.....Was hyped about the show from the things you were planning on doing already this just takes the cake...
