
"I yelled quiet on the set, and then called action!"

In preparation for the launch of the company, my faaaavorite artist/designer/genius Pedro Claveria (profile on him coming in the next few days) and I are working on a lookbook of all the company's offerings.

For that, I got to assemble some wicked photoshoots with the help of Photographer & "Tattoo Artist" Pedro Claveria, Stylist Vanessa Llambes, Production Assistant Yaneys Sotomayor, Hair stylist Lysa Rodriguez, and Makeup Artist Kristina Caruso! Salon time was generously donated to us by Qiu Hair Salon and Too Sharp Barber Shop.

For the final pics, you'll have to wait until after the launch party - don't forget it's Feb 13th! For now, here are some flicks from the camera behind the camera :)


  1. love ittttt! what a long cold FUN night :)!!!! can't wait to see what's next. the pics came out so good minus the "V' popscicles! ;) haha...gotta keep it PG haha.

  2. hahaha thanks... I saw some previews... HOTNESS!
